Family Preservation Court-Prevention track
In October 2021, the 15th JDC was awarded a three (3) year grant by the Department of Children and Family Services to start a prevention specialty court program that is based on “prevention.” The Lafayette Family Preservation Court-Prevention Track (LFPC-PT) grant was extended for an additional three (3) years.
Mission Statement
The Lafayette Family Preservation Court-Prevention Track’s mission is to provide education and community resources to parents, improve their children's safety and welfare, and support their parents' recovery from alcohol and drug abuse.
The LFPC-PT aims to educate and hold parents accountable for their SUDs by offering access to treatment and recovery services that will ultimately protect children while adhering to best practices. The LFPC-PT will provide parents with comprehensive substance use disorder screening, evidence-based interventions focusing on SUD education and recovery, parenting, case management, and community support services.
1. The parent is 18 years or older.
2. The parent has custody of at least one or more children under 18.
3. Participation in the LFPC-PT is voluntary.
Criminal History Disqualifications
1. The parent is not a perpetrator of sexual abuse.
The parent has not been convicted of felony child abuse.
The parent does not have a violent felony criminal history.
Clinical Disqualifications
1. The parent is unable to engage in treatment due to mental illness.
The parent has a chronic or terminal medical condition requiring extensive medical treatment, which impairs their ability to meet treatment or court requirements.
Disadvantaged Groups
Individuals who have experienced discrimination or reduced opportunities will always receive the same opportunities to participate and succeed in the LFPC-PT.
Judge Thomas Duplantier
P.O. Box 3612
Lafayette, La. 70502
Office: (337) 269-5722
Secretary: Emily Hoskins
Law Clerk: Tracey Davenport:
Court Reporter: Ashley Alis:
Darce' Byrd, M.A.
(337) 258-7308
111 E. Main Street
2nd Floor
Lafayette, LA 70501
Case Manager
Joanna Whittenberg
(337) 278-1125
111 E. Main Street
2nd Floor
Lafayette, LA 70501