Sobriety Court


Mission Statement

The mission of Sobriety Court is to make a positive change in the lives of nonviolent, substance abusing felony OWI offenders by utilizing intensive judicial supervision, mandatory drug testing, treatment and when necessary escalating sanctions, thus making a beneficial impact on our community by decreasing both drug use and recidivism.


 Program Description

Sobriety Court is an intensive probation program of the Fifteenth Judicial District dedicated to the intervention, accountability, and recovery of non-violent felony OWI offenders. The Sobriety Court is a voluntary sentencing program with a committed team approach. The team is comprised of a Sobriety Court judge, prosecutor, defense counsel, probation officer, treatment professionals, and administrative personnel.


Before an individual is accepted into the program, a referral form must be submitted.  The individual must meet the Eligibility/Disqualifier Criteria and submit to both a legal screening (by the District Attorney’s Office) and clinical screening (by the contracted treatment provider). The legal screening involves a thorough research of the individual’s rap sheets and details of all prior arrests. The clinical assessment is done through the use of an ASI (Addiction Severity Index). This will determine whether or not there is a substance use disorder that would merit the need for treatment.


The length of the Sobriety Court program is a minimum of 18-months with a continuum of care including substance abuse counseling, cognitive therapy, and judicial supervision progressing through four phases. This time table, however, is varied depending on the individual’s motivation and attitude toward sobriety. The program follows The Ten Guiding Principles of DWI Courts and provides case management functions to assist with educational needs, job skills, employment opportunities and other ancillary services. Additionally, each participant must attend multiple support group meetings weekly. Monthly fees are required of all participants.


Judge Michele Billeaud
800 S. Buchanan St., Suite 541
Lafayette, La. 70502
Office: (337) 269-5724
Secretary: Kim Thibodeaux:
Law Clerk: Chris Roberts:
Court Reporter: Lauren Denham

Referral Form

Basic Information with Eligibility Criteria

B. Keith Hayes
(337) 354-6483
111 E. Main Street
2nd Floor
Lafayette, LA 70501