Lafayette District Courthouse

The 15th Judicial District Courthouse is undergoing renovations.  As of Monday, February 5, 2024, the 4th floor (offices and courtrooms ) will be closed.  In preparation for this closure, two new courtrooms and judicial chambers have been built on the 7th floor. Access to the 7th floor is available using the East Side elevators only.   This is the same side granted access to the District Attorney's office and is the same side of the courthouse as Earls Snack Shop. 

Also, please keep in mind that the elevators in the Buchanan Parking Tower are also undergoing renovations.  Parking is available to everyone from the second floor and above.   

The judge's offices are now located on the following floors:

3rd Floor

Judge Breaux

Judge Duplantier

4th Floor


5th Floor

Judge Billeaud

Judge Gotch Garrett

Judge Theall

7th Floor

Judge Blanchet

Judge Colbert

Judge Spadoni

Commissioner Doguet

Court Receptionist

Security Office

Visiting Judges Offices
